Sunday, November 23, 2008

Writing--One of My Loves

Most of my friends know that I read a lot; though, not all of them know that I write. Not for a long time, anyway. Those who (do) have an idea that I used to enjoy writing have asked me, time and again, if I had a blog. I would look them in the eye and say, "You know I haven't written in a long while. Plus, I'm not the type who blogs. I'm not really comfortable with people I know reading about my life. If I wanted anyone to learn about the goings on in my life, I would have called that person. He wouldn't know about it just because he read it from a blog." That said, I have, for years, resolved not to blog. 
However, time comes when you miss things that you have grown accustomed to. In my case, I miss writing. I miss: staying up late to write articles for the school paper; rolling balls of paper because I didn't like a poem I was trying to compose; using different colored pens to edit articles that teachers and friends asked me to help with. 

For quite some time, I've spent countless days debating with myself whether or not I wanted to join the bandwagon. I tried to convince myself that blogging was not exactly my cup of tea. But since you're reading this, it's needless to say that my love for writing has won me over. 

Life is too beautiful not to write about it. And today, is only just the beginning. ;p


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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Writing--One of My Loves

Most of my friends know that I read a lot; though, not all of them know that I write. Not for a long time, anyway. Those who (do) have an idea that I used to enjoy writing have asked me, time and again, if I had a blog. I would look them in the eye and say, "You know I haven't written in a long while. Plus, I'm not the type who blogs. I'm not really comfortable with people I know reading about my life. If I wanted anyone to learn about the goings on in my life, I would have called that person. He wouldn't know about it just because he read it from a blog." That said, I have, for years, resolved not to blog. 
However, time comes when you miss things that you have grown accustomed to. In my case, I miss writing. I miss: staying up late to write articles for the school paper; rolling balls of paper because I didn't like a poem I was trying to compose; using different colored pens to edit articles that teachers and friends asked me to help with. 

For quite some time, I've spent countless days debating with myself whether or not I wanted to join the bandwagon. I tried to convince myself that blogging was not exactly my cup of tea. But since you're reading this, it's needless to say that my love for writing has won me over. 

Life is too beautiful not to write about it. And today, is only just the beginning. ;p

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